

看完幾集Henry在我獨自生活發揮的驚人語言能力後,讓我重拾學語文的樂趣!在選擇學習文本時,先看了阿滴英語的影劇學習建議(1. 生活化 2. 用中文看過一遍記下單字 3.重看一遍聽懂 4. 口說練習一遍,看三遍學習最好),及一些別人推薦的歐美劇例如「Friends」、「How I Met Your Mother」...雖然不錯看,但沒有動力看兩遍,隨即想到電影「心靈捕手」,以及「Ten Things I Hate You」(大學的Herbert老師在課堂放給我們看的,當時蠻喜歡也蠻懷念的。),最後選「心靈捕手」,基於以下原因:


1. 自己夠喜歡,可以看無數遍

2. 適合自己目前的程度,也夠生活化。

3. 沒有讓我看得太難受的印象(例如恐怖、超級痛苦、厭惡、無聊的場景)



1. 看完第一遍,共花了六天,用略小於A5的本子筆記了60頁。(Jusus Christ! )

2. 筆記本讀了七天終於背完,收穫滿滿。






Gerald Lambeau說過的話:

The gauntlet has been thrown down 戰帖已下

原意:The gauntlet has been thrown down原本是指騎士將護腕扔在另一名騎士面前,表示他(們)想決鬥。



By no stretch of my imagination 我怎麼也想像不出來 (教授想不出來誰解開題目,沒有彈性(no stretch)的想像力(imagaination),即毫無想像力、想法,這個譬喻我很喜歡!)


A difficult theorem could be like a symphony, It's very erotic. 困難的定理就像交響曲,性感無比。(will在諮商時,Gerrald教授在把妹)


When I set up a meeting with my associates, and you don't show up, it reflects poorly on me.



He won't be on my consciense. 我不會愧疚的



Sean Maguire說過的話:

We are in the presence of greatness. 我們很榮幸請來一位大人物


If a patient dosen't feel safe enough trust you, then they won't be honest with you. Then there's really no point for them being in therapy. Nail them while they're vulnerable. That's my motto.



You don't know about real loss, because that only occurs when you love something more than you love yourself. 



Trust, very important in a relationship. 信任,在一段關係中十分重要。


She had all sorts of wonderful idiosyncrasies. 她有各種奇妙的小特質


People call these things "imperfections", but they're not. That's the good stuff. And then we ge to choose who we let into our weird little worlds. 


Let me save you the suspense. This girl you met, she isn't perfect either. But the question is whether or not you're perfect for each other.



That's the whole deal. That's what intimacy is all about. 親密關係就是這麼回事。



Will Hunting說過的話:

Yout can't pin that on me. 你不能怪到我頭上


Do you buy all these books retail, or do you send away for, like, a "shrink kit", that comes with all these volumes included?



Any port in a storm 暴風雨中的港口

當一個人孤立無援、狀況極差時,便任意抓住一個浮木尋求慰藉或幫助,即稱「Any port in a storm」。

EX: 「I know she's lonely, but I can't believe she's going out with that guy.」That is what they say「Any port in a storm」.


Trust Found Baby 信託基金小孩 



I'm here about a position. 我來談工作




I think you should establish a good line of credit. 你應該建立良好信用。(chucky鬧Morgan不付錢,所以不給他大漢堡時說的玩笑話)

run out of quarters. 我已經沒錢了



哈佛數學教授Gerald Lambeau和心理醫生Dr. Sean Maguire(教授的舊友)的對話很精彩,分享幾段筆記(非完整對話):


Gerald Lambeau:

I brought you in here because I wanted you to help me with the boy. 我讓你參與是要你幫這個孩子。

Not run him out. 不是趕走他。

I don't care if you have a rapport with the boy. 我不管你跟他(Will)有什麼默契

At my expense. 花我的錢

But don't you dare undermine what I'm trying to do here. 但你敢破壞我的事看看

Don't reflet him with the idea that it's okay to quit, that it's okay to be a failure.


This boy is at a fragile point right now. 這孩子目前很脆弱

Don't give me that Freudian crap. 別跟我講佛洛伊德的屁話



Sean Maguire:

Direction is one thing. Manipulation's another. (給予)方向是一回事,操縱是另一回事。

I know what I'm doing with the boy. 我知道怎麼應付這個孩子

Because anyone of them, if he asked them to, would take a bat to your head. 如果他(Will)叫他們(Will的狐群狗黨)扁你,他們會照辦。

That's called loyalty. 那叫做義氣。

And who's he handling? He pushes people away before they have a chance to leave him. It's a defense mechanism, all right?


Don't you do that. 別那麼做 (= You don't do that. 倒裝加強語氣)

That condescending, embarrassed look. 那種屈尊難堪的眼神

It was a concious choice. I didn't fuck up! 那是自覺的選擇,我沒有搞砸!

And you and your cronies think I'm some sort of pity case. 你和你的朋友認為我很可憐

Why are you still so fucking afraid of failure? 你怎麼還是這麼怕失敗?

If you push him! If you ride him! 如果你逼他,如果你驅使他!


Gerald Lambeau:

I am what I am today because I was pushed and because I learned to push myself.



Sean Maguire:

He's not you! You get that!





「心靈捕手」是一部對心理刻畫入微的經典電影,故事由一名大學清潔工解開高級數學難題展開; 少年Will Hunting憑藉一幅畫,便直擊心理醫生的痛苦根源?!醫生也不遑多讓,一眼看穿痞小子的自負來自於不安,即便他具有天份且善於賣弄學術。教授Gerald Lambeau愛才,急於讓天才小子大展身手,不同於心理醫生Sean Maguire,將男孩Will Hunting的身心健全發展看待得更為重要。兩人因此產生意見分歧,並在後段發生激辯。他們分別舉例了愛因斯坦與泰德辛斯卡,一個科學天才、一個反社會主義恐怖份子,皆有飛躍性的頭腦,成就結果卻大不相同。對話裡充滿火花!





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